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WTEL 860kc 250kw daytimer

"Philadelphia's clear channel local..." 

Foreign language programming 

Operations Manager WTEL, c.1960

Announcer operator
MOR DJ 4pm to 6pm weekdays
Alan Campbell

WTEL Control
ENZO CENTOFANTI 6pm-7pm daily
Italian hour host

Hispanic Hour
summer daylight hours
daily 7pm-8pm

Summer, 1960 

George Hopkinson and Quentin Sturm had just acquired the station. Campbell says "I had returned home to Philadelphia for the summer and sent a resume and tape to every station in town. Hopkinson offered summer job which was perfect between semesters I worked 80 hours a week, noon to sign-off (a daytimer) including Sundays. First thing Sunday morning was to turn on amplifier and watch level at a gospel church then run board at studio until sign-off. There was an Irish hour with Pat Stanton at 11am Sundays. Weekdays the German hour, the Polish hour and others. Each had their own cues which differed from each other (a bit confusing for a while) boardman had to read their commercials in English when they finished in their own language. Each host was charming and delighful to work with...although that Polish guy was sometimes difficult :-)

"The operations manager was a great fellow named Doug "Bud" Hibbs, who used another name on the air". Campbell relates, "He did everything from air work to painting and was very helpful to a novice broadcaster.
Sometimes English copy was handwritten, in beautiful cursive, and the announcer got a carbon copy. For the entire summer I was saying 'Labor Road' on one spot..which I later discovered was Tabor Road".

READER WRITES: Three partners, my father, John E. Hopkinson, his brother George D. Hopkinson, and Quentin "Q" Sturm acquired WTEL in the Spring of 1959. They adjusted the format from mostly European languages, e.g. Polish, Latvian, etc., to mostly Spanish to appeal to the growing Hispanic population. John died in January 1964.
Thanks for mentioning the history of WTEL. The station contributed a lot to Philadelphia radio. The owners greatly appreciated all that Philadelphia radio and the city had to offer.
Anastasia Hopkinson Annapolis MD
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