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This website will provide you with links to many sites and services in Monterrey, Mexico. Just scan our headers.
There also are many snapshots of the city. Photography is more than a hobby for me. It's a passion, the way I capture and
celebrate life.
In the photo album, I've assembled some of my favorite photographs of buildings, statues, monuments, sculptures
and much more of the sights to be seen throughout Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
To PHOTO pages...
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and more photos
building photographs
Santa Lucia Riverwalk, Monterrey
Monterrey is located in the northern part of Mexico, about 150 miles from the U.S. border in Texas. It is the capital
city of the state of Nuevo Leon and Mexico's third largest city, with a population of more than one million.
The city is surrounded by the Sierra Madre mountains at an elevation of 200 feet above sea level. The mountain view is spectacular.
The mountain view is dominated by the distinctive Cerro de la Silla, a saddle-shaped peak, which has become a symbol of Monterrey.
Monterrey is Mexico's top industrial center. Passion for music runs deep in this city. Many Monterrey based groups are now
looking for inroads to music-industry success in the US. ALL FORMS OF MUSIC ABOUND in Monterrey, classical, opera, traditional
mexican music, and symphonic pieces performed by brilliant vocalists, musicians, and the Monterrey Symphony Orchestra.
