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Topic: RE: WASHINGTONDC FORUM/Discussion Washington DC / Maryland Broadcasters
WQMR-WGAY, a Washington, DC institution for many years, is discussed here with articles, pictures, sound clips, radio worth remembering!
...LINK to WQMR/WGAY Memories
*Capital and capitol are terms that are often confused, mainly because they refer to things that are in some ways related. The term for a town or city that serves as a seat of government is spelled capital. The term for the building in which a legislative assembly meets is spelled capitol.
...LINK to complete web pageRadio station WJSV recorded its entire broadcast day on September 21, 1939.
See the schedule and listen to selected portions
...1st AUDIO LINK to complete broadcast day in 1939
...2nd AUDIO LINK to complete broadcast day in 1939
...LINK to complete history of Broadcast House, WJSV then WTOP 1500KC Washington DC
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