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WDVR 101.1

PHILADELPHIA'S Original Beautiful Music Station

Sad news in Philly. David Kurtz co-owner of B101, formerly easy-listening WDVR aka EAZY 101, passed away November, 24th 2005. A younger Dave was an engineer for the military division of the Philco Corporation, who always had an interest in radio. In the early 60's he managed to squeeze the 101.1 frequency into Philadelphia, even though it's co-channeled with NYC. At one time WDVR was number 1 with their own beautiful music format. Early partner Jerry Lee was still at the helm at the time of Kurtz death.


In 1963 Marlin Taylor developed the easy listening music for Philadelphia's WDVR 101 and the station was heavily promoted with billboards and 'The Dial Card'. With rock and roll taking over the AM air, older adults were forced to FM where WDVR became a favorite. Taylor asked R A Campbell, who grew up in the area, to record breaks which were played on the station while Campbell was really in Korea. Campbell did 'live' fill in work there during the late 1960's. Some names on the air in the early years at WDVR included Dave Shayer, Dick (Rich) Franklin, Fred Randall, Tom Stanwood, Joaquin Bowman, Frank Edwards, Ron Kirsch, Terry Wickham...



Dave's Broadcast Bio at Philly Pioneer Broadcasters

Dave's Photo album at Philly Broadcast Pioneers

WDVR & History of 101.1 in Philadelphia, PA and WBEB


Philly FM Radio History

Historical moments in letter changes

Philly TV & Radio Stations History

Beautiful Music Syndicators Timeline


Jerry Lee of B101-FM Receives Honors

Marlin Taylor Program Director XM Satellite Radio


Beautiful Easy Listening Music ~ the INSTRUMENTAList...


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